Hitler's Berghof overlooking Berchtesgaden, Germany

Berghof Main Room

War Office - Whitehall London - Site of the
window incident

SHAEF HQ - 1944 - Bushy Park Buildings from the Air --

SHAEF HQ from the Air -- Widewing (wider shot)

St Mary's Church - Tarrant Rushton

Tarrant Rushton Airfield

Tarrant Rushton Airfield - with tow planes and gliders

Telegraph Cottage

Bletchley Park - where Enigma was decoded

An Enigma machine

German Kazerne at Venlo, Holland

Venlo City Hall

Chapel at Venlo - "LO used basement"

Hoogstraat and Gildenstraat in Venlo (where the LO

Brussels - Grand Place

Main Square - Mons, Belgium

Laon Cathedral from a distance - (Chambry)

The towers of Laon Cathedral seen from the lower

Watercolor of Laon by Adolph HItler.

Artist's view of Laon Cathedral -- upper section of

Exterior and Interior of Laon Cathedral

Paris - Along the River Seine

Notre Dame of Paris from the Seine

Copyright 2013 by
Augustine Campana and Marco Di Tillo